+32 2 555 94 44 info@blacktigerbelgium.tech

Road65 Address normalization

Key in the foundation of a good data

management & Data Quality approach

An easy-to-use address normalization tool

Tackle the complexity of Belgian addresses to improve address normalization and deduplication 

With Road65, Black Tiger Belgium has been offering an easy-to-use address normalization tool for the last decades. Belgium is a small country, but its address structure and different languages don’t make address normalization and address deduplication any easier.

With a proven track record, we are serving more than 100 companies with Belgian customer data on a continuous basis, in sectors like bank & insurance, media, retail, automotive, business services, etc. And of course, Road 65 is embedded in the basic layer of all data quality and data management solutions Black Tiger Belgium is offering.

Road 65 is built to smoothly integrate address normalization in your existing processes, using offline or webservice versions containing up to date address information of all addresses in Belgium.

This tool provides:

  • easy and correct data entry for your staff members and customers (including autofill guidance)
  • easy address recognition and deduplication

All thanks to the availability of a large amount of data:  the official address in multiple languages (when applicable), variants, historical street names and typical writing errors. We provide information on correct abbreviations of addresses depending on your needs.


Support easy data entry

Attract new customers


  • Time-saving solution offered to your consumers (webforms, app) and staff members (call centers, encoding, …)
  • Avoid high drop-offs from your webforms and customer frustrations
  • Increase quality and address completeness and decrease waste

Clean data input


  • ‘Garbage in is garbage out’. In a data-driven company, your processes rely so much on data that incorrect data is not acceptable and can lead to loss in revenue, efficiency and image
  • Link normalized address data in real time to your existing client database, geo-tools, insights and marketing automation solutions

    Optimize postal mailings


    • Use correct abbreviations of the addresses on the envelope and adapt the address for bi-lingual regions according to customer preferences
    • Decrease postal returns by making sure addresses are correct and your communications can be delivered. Imagine what you could do with the money you now spend on postal returns: wasted prints & stamps, handling of postal returns, resending of invoices or important paperwork, lost revenue.

      Improve operational processes


      • Streamline your operational processes, like the efficiency of the delivery of postal packages, by integrating real time address normalization, in interative or batch usage
      • Organize continued monitoring of address quality as part of your data management approach, in an automated way
      • Link the addresses in input immediately with relevant operational info on address level available at the client’s side

      Do you want to know more about ROAD65? Contact us for more information

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