+32 2 555 94 44 info@blacktigerbelgium.tech


Data sharing made easy, secure

and accurate

Secure & accurate data sharing

DataXchange is a data sharing platform designed by Black Tiger Belgium to allow ad  hoc or continuous data sharing between 2 or more parties, to support those parties in reaching their business objectives.

The platform is matching personal data records, thus building a matrix of qualified business and reference data with your own data and partner data.

A high level of security is guaranteed throughout the process which can happen in a completely PII- neutral way. Moreover, with this solution you make sure your data is handled by a neutral processor.

Once a data matrix with matched data sets is created, all Black Tiger Belgium know-how and services are available to run analytics or set up activation of the shared data.


A neutral solution to match and connect your data with data partners

Build Insights


  • Create new insights by combining external data with your own data.
  • These valuable insights may only be available to you if you can indirectly access information available in a 2nd party data source.

    Lead generation


    • Start by understanding which of the shared data is common and which part of the data is unique.
    • With that knowledge, set up mutual lead generation campaigns on owned media.

      Onboarding & Programmatic


      • Make the connection between offline CRM contact data and online profiles.
      • Advertise on online media to your identified audience.
      • As an alternative to 3rd party cookies, leverage the power of data partnerships to fuel programmatic advertising.

      Strategic partnerships


      • To prepare for a strategic partnership, include an analysis of common and complementary data.
      • Assess the added value of data on both sides of the partnership.

        Do you want to know more about DATAXCHANGE?